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Vashikaran Specialist

Astrologer Acharya Indravarman unfolds the superstition about Vashikaran and Reveals the alternative Hindu religious practices for Relationship Problems

One of the most controversial words in India is Vashikaran. Internet results are streaming numerous persons names as Vashikaran specialist after the well-received Hindi movie Shaitaan has promoted the term Vashikaran. But the scenes shown in the Shaitan Movie is clearly indicates it is Hypnotism with the help of an unknown drug. Then what is Vashikaran? According to Astrologer Acharya Indravarman Vashikaran means just Creating attraction.

Why people searching for Vashikaran specialist?

Most of the people are searching for Vashikaran specialist due to relationship problems. Love affairs, Marriage affairs, Sexual affairs outside marriage, Lustful emotions. These are major reasons pushing people towards Vashikaran specialist who claims they can do Vashikaran.

Expectation from Vashikaran:

Few persons will expect just relationship issue should be solved and amenability should remain lifelong. Few persons will expect bondage with obedience. But most of the people are expecting their partner mind should become slavery to them, which is not right.  They are believing the term “ Vashikaran ” is the solution for the same.

Is Vashikaran really possible?

Angle one:

According to Relationship Problem Specialist Acharya Indravarman for several years people have believed Kerala Mantrika has powers of Vashikaran. Originally, they will give some Ayurvedic herbals which will be useful to treat anxiety in people mind. Few housewives will buy it from them and they will mix it with husband food. This is one of the most dangerous practices, which will give plenty of adverse effects to mind and body.

Angle two:

Few persons who claim they are practicing Black magic also Known as Kala Jadhu says they can do Vashikaran. Is it possible? Impossible. Black magic is a practice which considers evil spirits as energy source. It is highly famous in Romania and even today many Romanian witchcrafts are practising it. Result? Zero. Evil spirits will do only negative things. The people who expecting Vashikaran specialist help has relationship problem. It requires a harmony. The disordered and Superstition practices cannot Give positive results.   

The above two practices are superstition and people should always remain far from them, requests Astrologer Acharya Indravarman

Alternative for Vashikaran:

According to any religion God and angels exits. From Ancient Greeks to Ancient Indians believed few Demigods are existing to help troubles in Love and relationship. Even Indian Vedic astrology believes Planet Venus has authority to Create Love or sexual relationship. Western astrology also agrees with this. According to Hindu sacred texts Vashikaran is not possible. But Akarshanam is possible. Akarshanam is ability of one soul to pull another soul towards it.  Astrologer Acharya Indravarman says, “for an easy understanding we can say it as tractability”.

To solve misunderstandings between Lovers, Husbands & wives, Unmarried couples Various rituals exist in Hindu religion. Worshipping Yoginis & Yakshinis is a lesser-known predominant practice. Yoginis & Yakshinis are assigned by primary god to serve human for their material life needs. Just Like, the Brahma Holding Creation & Vishnu Holding protection & Siva Holding destruction, these Yoginis and Yakshinis are holding power to full-fill human desires. To invoke (Avahana) these demigods’ astrologer or Tantrik should be ascetic and long experience is required. Any divine power won’t come like our neighbours for an immediate summon. Through these rituals you can get back your love or your divorce issue can be prevented or your broken relationship can be rejuvenated. For best spiritual help in India, you can contact Vedic astrologer and Best rated Online Astrologer Acharya Indravarman.


According to Best tantra practitioner Acharya Indravarman Before approaching astrologers for relationship troubles try on your known. A conversation with open minded with your partner will always give good result. Ego is not greater than Relationship.  Lot of General Psychological solutions has mentioned on our various pages.

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