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Famous tantrik in India Narrates Kaula Tantra

The sphere of Hindu religion has various internal layers with unique precincts. Aware of human multifarious nature and Various situation ancient Hindu saints were created multiple path (Marga) to reach God. They have not missed to show methods to receive blessings and boons from God. Rivers are originating in various hills just to end in one Ocean. Shaivism, Vaishnavism, Shakta, Kaumaram, Ganapatya, Smartha, Sourya, Kapalika, Kula are prominent schools or divisions in Hindu religion. Supreme Deity in Shaivism is Siva. Vishnu in Vaishnavism, Parvati in Shakta, Kartikeya in Kaumaram, Ganesh in Ganapatya, Surya Bhagawan in Sourya, Kalabhairva in Kapalika. Smartha agrees as all Gods are equal. But who is supreme deity in Kula Marga also known as Kaula Marga?

Many scholars trying to find a branch in Kashmir Shaivism for Kula Marga and few scholars are trying to find a branch in Vajrayana Buddhism for Kula Marga. In my research I have learned Supreme god in Kaula is Sound. The Abhinav Gupta’s Kulanarva Tantra praises about Goddess Sri Para Mantreswari. By indicating a feminine name it’s getting close association with Shakta. Due to procedure in rituals the Kula Marga has close association with Kapalika also. Kula Marga emphasizes gaining wisdom is more important than devotion. Many famous tantriks are following Kula Marga also known as Kaula Marga also known as Kulanarva Tantra. Famous Tantrik in India Acharya Indravarman Follows Shakta Marga and Kaula Marga.

If astrology explores Celestial body influences in human life, Tantra explores connections between human body and aether. Aether is known as space filled with leftover cosmic particles which is scientifically known as Dark matter. This Dark matter won’t interact with light or any other magnetic radiation which makes it, invisible to human retina. Hindu tantra believes this dark matter is murky, but it has crammed and compressed in many places. This opaque and vacuous dark matter can emit energy which can influence human life as similar as celestial bodies. This Opaque aether dimensions are opening their gate for particular sound frequencies. These spells are known as Mantra in Tantra. Few sporadic rural folk stories believe their presence inside the earth. The most famous dark divine energy in Hindu religion is Maa Kali Devi (Shakta Marga) and God Kala Bhairava (Kapalika Marga). Light and sound is always intertwined with Hindu religion. Particularly it cherishes sound in the form of holy spell “Om”. The Om spell pride further inflated through mystery name “Pranava Rahasya”, means secret of universe. This holy spell (OM) is mandatory prefix in any mantra, whether they are Vedic or Tantrik. The suffix of Mantra can be changed but never prefix can be changed. Based on this Best Tantrik in India Acharya Indravarman emphasizes the important of sound frequencies in Tantrik rituals.

There is tiger, Lion, Bear and deer foot prints available into a small circle. But if one elephant puts its foot print on the defined small circle then all other animals foot prints will be vanished away. Similar to this when one knows about Kula Marga philosophy, they will realize all other philosophy is beginning and ending in Kula Marga or Kaula Tantra. The Kulanarva Tantra says this as Follows,

“Veda is superior to all. Vaishnava is superior to Veda. Shaiva is superior to Vaishnava. Dakshina is superior to Shaiva. Vama is superior to Dakshina. Kaula is superior to Vama. Nothing is superior than Kaula”.

My understanding from this Kulanarva Tantra hymn is below. As I told earlier Hindu religion has several divisions. But when one new division arises it will observe and contain all the old philosophy mentioned in the earlier division along with new preachings. Seems like Kaula is the Latest and Last division of Hindu religion and it has Observed and Transformed all the old philosophies, Just like an alchemist changes Iron in to Gold.

Further Kulanarva Tantra says

“People are worshipping Brahma, Vishnu, Rudra and Indra. But Brahma, Vishnu, Indra and Rudra are following Kaula Tantra.”

Kulanarva Tantra asks,

How can you narrate the difference between mustard seed and Mount Meru (A mount greater than Mount Everest) … How can you narrate the difference between a Giant sun and Fire Fly…

Yes. This comparison is unacceptable and inexplainable. Kaula Marga is religion of Gods and many venerable saints (Rishis, Munis). The Karma prevents everyone to get Moksha (Liberation from Birth) and Karma can prevent worldly desires. But Karma is not able to affect one person who got blessings of a Kaulika (guru practising Kulanarva Tantra).

Dakshinachara accentuates ascetic nature to a devotee who can be called as Yogi. Vamachara accentuates worldly enjoyment nature to devotee who can be called as Bhogi. But Kulanarva Tantra suggests devotee to stay at a comfort point in-between Yoga and Bhoga who can be called as Kaulika.

According to Top Tantrik in India Acharya Indravarman Kaula Tantra gives importance to physical fitness more. In my understanding it stresses to have a good fitness just to practice Sadhana. Without a body a Sadhaka cannot do Sadhana. In Kaula tantra Sadhana is prominent practice. You can differentiate these Tantra Marga as follows.

Indulging in fasting is Dakshina Tantra and Eating more is Vama tantra. But consuming a sufficient quantity without affecting Body health is Kaula.

But following Dakshinachara tantra in several incarnations will bestow mastery in Kaula Tantra on one incarnation, Says Kula Marga. According to Top tantrik in India Acharya Indravarman It is just like Buddha enlightened after severe ascetic practice.

As many believes Panchamakara offering is permitted in Kaula tantra worship. Offering Fish, Meat, Grains, Alcohol and Sex are known as Panchamakara. But alcohol mentioned in the Kulanarva Tantra is not a drink sold out in modern day liquor shops. This is similar to Soma Bana (drink) mentioned in Vedas. In Kulanarva Tantra these drinks are known as Kula Dravya. There are numerous Kula Dravya’s and their preparation method is mentioned in rare Tantrik Shastra Books.

In a simple Understanding to follow Kaula you no need to be a sanyasini at the same time Tantra not encouraging immoral behaviours like adultery and consuming more alcohol. Read the following lines to understand about nature of tantra. It is believed that following questions has raised by Siva towards Parvati Devi.

Oh. Devi! Ganges river is filled with frogs and fish. Are they attained special merit?

Oh. Devi! If a parrot enchants mantras repeatedly, is it can attain siddhi?

Oh. Devi! Bear and pigs are bearing severe cold in winter and severe heat in summer. Are they Yoginis?

Oh. Devi deer eats only grass and water. is it a Yogini?

Above questions criticize Dakshinachara and following questions criticize Vamachara.

Oh. Devi. Just by drinking wine is a drunk addict can attain liberation?

Oh. Devi. If eating flesh will give liberation then it should give liberation to all predators.

Interesting… Kaula is nor Yoga nor Bhoga…

Finest Tantrik in India Says
Let we see the differences between Dakshinachara Tantra and Vamachara tantra. So, it will be useful to understand about Kaulachara Tantra.

Yoga tantra also known as Dakshinachara Tantra is orthodox division of Hindu religion’s Tantra schools. It points being ascetic is important to please gods or to attain liberation. Fasting, Meditation, Exercise, abstinence, Celibacy, Chastity and Maintaining a clean skin are the major aspects of Dakshinachara tantra school.

Pancha Bhuta. Means 5 elements. In Ancient Hindu religion the universe consists only 5 types of elements. Any creation in Universe consists these five elements. It may be sun, earth, Human Body or any animals. Prithivi, Agni, Apas, Vayu, Akash are the list of five

elements. Prithivi Known as earth, Agni Known as fire, Apas Known as Water, Vayu Known as Air and Akash Known as Aether. This Concept has commonly agreed universally on various ancient cultures. Tantra believes if a tantrik is able to control these five elements in Body, he can get connected with cosmic energy. According to Most powerful tantrik in India Acharya Indravarman, if these five elements in the body are get affected then health problems will rise in humans.

Particularly, Ayur Veda Believes Vada, Pitta, Gaba are three primary Dosha which can affect five elements in Body. If Vada, Pitta & Gaba in human body can be controlled or modified by us then we can make an easy connection with Universal energy also known as supreme god’s divine power. Being ascetic and practising ascetic helps human to increase their ability in controlling these five elements in body. In astrology Planet Jupiter is associated with Asta Maha Siddhi and being ascetic will help you to attain blessings of Planet Jupiter (guru Graha)

Science ushers that human brain is always controlling motor mechanisms in body, regular activities, Cells regeneration and immune system. Yoga Tantra believes breaking the regular chain of activities will trigger the sub conscious mind to observe the desires in Conscious mind of humans. Hindu religion believes always the sub-conscious mind is connected with God (Cosmic energy) and it will be helpful to achieve our goals. The Famous fasting (Virat) in Hindu religion is associated with Yoga Tantra. But it only fasting is not going to help you to achieve the goal. Yoga tantra provides a structured worship method to draw divine attention. The expertise in Yoga Tantra will make one person sapience in Daskhinachara Tantra. Genuine Tantrik in India Acharya indravarman has excellent skills and shrewdness in Dakshinachara Tantra.

My father used one sentence to describe the enmity between two persons. If one person goes towards North then another person will go towards South. Seems like he explains the person who travels in opposite never meets. But in the universe, everything is Circle or Sphere. So, even persons who travel in opposite direction will meet at one point. The physics says time will bend in space. Tantra believes the same. Dakshinachara Tantra Says ascetic nature and high discipline is required to achieve goal. This is known as Clock wise direction. But Vamachara believes even anti clock wise travel will make you to reach the goal. Because here everything is in Circle form. So, Vamachara had no strict regulations. The follower of Vamachara can achieve goal even if he has used Panchamakara. Fish, Meat, Grains, Alcohol, Sex are not an obstacle to achieve goal.

Even in Goddess Kali there are two types of Kali. Dakshina Kali or Vama Kali. According to Finest tantrik in India Acharya Indravarman, Dakshina Kali is Personification of Dakshinachara Tantra and Vama Kali is Personification of Vamachara. As you seen in the Diagram both are leads to goal. In experience Dakshinachara Tantra takes lot of efforts but bestows assured result. But Vamachara Tantra takes less efforts, but sometime it may give adverse effect to Tantrik if he had done any mistake. In both Tantra Marga lavish offerings has to be offered as reciprocations for our desires. Dakshinachara Tantra can be done on any day. But for Vamachara Tantra auspicious days should be picked. But Kaula Marga uses a zigzag path to achieve the goal. Many of Tantra scripts contains snake’s drawings. It is just representation of Kaula marga. Snakes are traveling in a zigzag path. Similar to snakes Kaula Marga uses a zigzag path in-between Dakshinachara and Vamachara. It travels and turns on both territory which makes Kaula Tantra as Most powerful Tantrik Sadhana in the World. In the dictionary of Aghori, Sava Sadhana is Most powerful tantrik Sadhana in the world. But commonly matsyendranath, Gorakhnath, Ravi Gupta and Abhinav Gupta are emphasizing Kaula Tantra is most powerful Tantrik Sadhana in the world. It has created numerous miracles in my clients’ life and it’s keep supporting me.

According to World Famous Tantrik Acharya Indravarman If you have seen the above drawing and if you have well Knowledge in physics and space you can realize Kaula Tantra is a Divine Loop. Now you can understand about Dakshinachara Tantra, Vamachara Tantra and Kaula Tantra very clearly. Kaula marga can be named as Madhyama tantra. Ultimately Kaula Tantra is Straight forward practice with various esoteric wisdom.

Beej Mantra is a popular word in-between astrologer and Tantriks. But in Yagna or Upasana One mantra will have three important parts. Beej, Shakti, Keelaga are three phases in Mantra. This mantra differs based on God or Ritual. Along with these Three key portion in mantra, Nyasa is most important when uttering Mantra. Nyasa is touching once own body with fingers on various parts at different phases of Mantra Utterance. When few scholar names it as Installation of Mantra I differ from them. Our body has many vital energy points known as Varma. Adding little pressure on these Varma points in human body triggers divine energy through our brain. Now let’s explore the key part of mantra.

As per science, sounds are Longitudinal waves. They travel in a pattern. Beej Part of mantra has to be spelled in low decibel. Sakthi Part of mantra has to spelled in high decibel and Keelaga part of mantra should be spelled in medium decibel. This utterance method will create powerful sound waves.

Yoga helps to stretch your body towards universe and Dhyana (Meditation) helps to stretch your mind towards universe. But in the view of Famous tantrik Acharya Indravarman Tantra stretches universe towards you. The esoteric Tantra field holds one rare mantra which is also known as Sri Para Prasadha Mantra. My interpretation about this mantra is ” Mantra which can please beyond earth “. In early Stage of career due to my science Knowledge, I will always wonder about sound waves power in space. Because Sound is a mechanical energy and without a medium like air it cannot travel outside earth. Then how mantra can pull some energy which is outside earth… Later I had realized the Jaba necessity and brain function in the invocation of God. Our thoughts are Electromagnetic waves which is nothing but another form of invisible light. They can travel in the speed of light. So, I thought Mantras are powerful inside the earth and Creative Techniques will work outside the earth. But when my ancestors revealed me the full form of Sri Para Prasadha Mantra, I had started the Sadhana as described by them. It flipped my life and my unwavering opinion about mantras. Kulanarva Tantra says this “Sri Para Prasadha Mantra” is the most powerful mantra in the world. Not overstated. Also, the Kulanarva Tantra says any Marga will take years to give result. But only Kaula Marga can give early results. Yes, it’s giving earlier results compare to many other Marga. But the core part of Kaula Tantra hides inside the” Sri Para prasadha Mantra”. This mantra acts like a ladder to me in earning the title Best tantrik in world

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