Acharya Indravarman is finest tantrik in India. He has supreme sapience in Vedic Tantra and tantrik Practices. Due to great sagacity and excellent shrewdness in tantra texts Acharya Indravarman has risen as Best tantrik in India. This most powerful tantrik in India Interpret about Tantra and Tantrik practices in this page. Particularly about Shakta Tantra (Devi Upasana) tradition you can get a clarity.
Before sourcing a tantrik service, you should have clarity about tantra. If you have enthusiasm to know about tantra then you need patience to read this article. There is no altercation on considering tantra as esoteric knowledge. But lot of disputes exists to define meaning of tantra. Method, idea are widely known and existing meanings. But these meanings are contrary about nature of tantra and tantrik. Identifying the Sanskrit root for tantra is foremost important. After long research I had understood Dhantara is the root word for tantra. It is made of two Sanskrit words which are Dha & Antara.
In Sanskrit Dha means receiving from source. Antara means from a distance.
In Sanskrit Dhan means providing to a source. Anatra means from a distance.
The ancient tantrik practitioners always mention this words two times continuously.
Dhantraha: Dhantraha:
Which means receive energy from a distance (Cosmic energy) and provide energy to a distance (man or place).
Absolutely, any one has to concede this meaning. Because this meaning reflects veritable side of Tantra. Owing to this fact only ancient Indians had seen tantriks like superman. But tantrik cannot be a superman. He has to realise that he is just an equipment between God and devotees. Simply an organic aerial receiver and telecaster, Says Best Tantrik in India Acharya Indravarman.
What is cosmic energy in tantrik sector? Before entering in to this question let, we see the scientists view of Energy.
Energy can not be created nor cannot be destroyed. But one type of energy can be converted into another type of energy.
Thermal energy (Heat) can be converted as Electrical energy,
Electrical energy can be converted as Thermal energy. So, energy always exists.
The tantrik texts and Hindu religious texts see in the same manner. The Rig Veda sees God in energy form. It speaks about this in multiple Hymns
“Oh. God you are everywhere. You are above and you are below. You are existing where human doesn’t exist. You are existing where more human exists. If I throw a sesame seed towards the sky it cannot fall in ground where dense human exists. But you are existing in those small intervals also”.
But Vishwamitra sees this differently. He thinks eternal happiness and eternal energy exist only in Trishanku swarga. Swarga is a place filled with bliss and sorrow can’t exist there. I had analysed a lot to find the meaning trishanku. Trishanku means (Not the king’s name as mentioned in the story) a universe not associated with three worlds. Upper world (Heaven), Our world (Earth) and Underworld (Hell). Trishanku is hollow space where energy is filled. Even according to the epic story Trishanku heaven exists in Antariksha (Space).
When King Trishanku asked Vishwamitra for eternal happiness he picks Trishanku Loga and send him to that Loga. Simply he has given Moksha (Liberation from birth) to Trishanku. So Trishanku king has merged with God’s eternal energy where eternal bliss dwells.
The Hindu religion simply believes entire space is filled with divine energy. This is the place where a tantrik has to get connected and draw power to achieve something. According to Famous Tantrik in India Acharya Indravarman, One of the known meanings of tantra “inter-weaving” is related to this stage.
Now it is clear a where can a tantrik attain Siddhi (Blessings or power). But how can he attain? The universal cosmic energy contains few parted away energies with in itself. The Universal energy is Known as Paramathma in Sanskrit. But there is various disposition of energies with in itself. Getting connected with few energies are very easy and getting connected with few energies are almost an impossible task.
Few bi-section can be created in between these energies based on their common nature. Generally, they will be divided into Father natured and Mother Natured. Father natured energies are strict like a father. If tantrik is doing mistakes or tantrik is bringing obligations which are not righteous, they will punish Tantrik. A father will be strict in discipline and sometimes he will punish us for our mistakes. Some time he never forgives our wrong doings.
Mother natured energies are kind-full like mother. Always mother will love us. Whether we are right or wrong she will support us. She will try to correct our mistakes instead of punishing us. She will forgive and forget our sins if we are sincerely apologised. Your obligation is good or bad they will support Tantrik. The most powerful tantra sector is Shakta tantra. Shakta tantra is worshipping mother natured energies and worshipping female goddesses for any obligation. Many people are approaching tantriks with ravenous desires. So, except following Shakta tradition tantrik doesn’t have any other possibilities. Now you Can understand why number of tantriks are worshipping Goddess Kali even she is having fierce look. This Noble Knowledge and Skill Keeps Celebrity Tantrik Acharya Indravarman ever in Top 5 or Top 10 Tantriks in India.
Shakta tantra has two main branches. Dakshinachara and Vamachara. Dakshinachara tantra is orthodox practice. It is also known as Right hand path or clockwise path. Vamachara Tantra is heterodox practice. It is also known as Left hand path or Anti-clockwise path. The Goddesses under Dakshinachara path will expect Yantra, Mantra, Rare colours, Sexual discipline, Ascetic nature of Tantrik, Good aroma, Nice Fragrance and Vegetation offerings. But Goddesses under Vamachara path will expect Bali Dana mostly. Means animal sacrifices. According to Best tantrik in India Acharya Indravarman, Vamachara branch has more adverse effects towards tantrik. It always affects Tantrik not clients.
Becoming tantrik is not like becoming astrologer or temple priest. It needs some deep dedication. Acharya Indravarman has proficiency in Tantra and Tantrik rituals for a greater extent. Excellent cognition in Tantra has given recognition to Acharya Indravarman as Best tantrik in India. Acharya Indravarman has sagacious wisdom in Tantra and twenty years of practice as supplementary. The Vedanga Divides every day as 30 Muhurtas. Each and every deity will be powerful on particular Muhurtas Just like planets are attaining exaltation on particular time. Best profound knowledge in Vedanga is must to become a successful Tantrik. One of the Top 5 Tantriks in India Acharya Indravarman has Studied and Learned Vedanga Tantra in erudite way. A tantrik physical fitness should be good as per Yogic tradition. Practising Pranayama and Yoga is essential for this. Then the Tantrik mind should be prudent and vigilant. For this fair meditation practice is necessary. Acharya Indravarman has good expertise in Yoga and Meditation. Further Botanical knowledge is must to identify the trees, flowers, herbals, Plants mentioned in Atharva Veda and other Tantrik Sastras. Brain wave Length of Tantrik is prominent in tantrik rituals. Delta, theta, Alpha, Beta, Gamma are five known brain waves and their wave lengths are ranging from 0.5 Hz to above 35 Hz. Brain wave with highest wave length frequency is Gamma. It is 35 Hz or above. Scientifically Gamma waves are emerging when brain is on deep concentration process.
Concentrating is another basic need of tantriks. Acharya Indravarman has surpassing expertise in all above aspects, which always keep him as Best tantrik in India and in the list of Top 10 Tantriks in India. Many clients are asking about the difference between Black magic and Tantra. By concerning them on many occasions Acharya Indravarman has explained the difference between both. As many thinks Indian Tantra doesn’t have any evil practices. Black magic is a concept asking evil spirits help to acquire something. But Hindu religion has numerous Deva and Devata who can help to get success on attaining various desires. Indian Vedic tantra is Orthodox practice and it is always against other superstitions and cruel practices, Says Top Tantrik in India Acharya Indravarman.
Execution is more important than Cognition. To experiment or execute tantra practices tantrik aura should be colossal. What is aura? Simple answer is thermal part of your body. You might have seen night vision cameras and binoculars. These are heat sensing instruments which can point human or any animal which has a thermal body. This aura plays a key role in tantrik practices. The tantrik mind should be interwoven with cosmic energy with the help of Aura. Following above mentioned rudimentary rules are mandatory to obtain an inordinate aura. For more understanding you should know your body temperature. Commonly human body temperature is always remaining nearly 37 degrees Celsius. In day time Atmosphere temperature will be high and in some places temperature is above 40 degrees Celsius. In night time atmosphere temperature is very low than human body temperature. So, the human body temperature can be transferred to atmosphere and it can get inter-woven with cosmic energy. Now you can understand Why most of the tantra texts are advising to do rituals at night time, Says Famous tantrik in India Acharya Indravarman.
Countless God and Goddesses are worshipped in Tantra sector for Tantrik worships and rituals. Genuine Tantrik in India Acharya Indravarman expounds about them here.
Devi Bagalamukhi is favourite goddess of Tantrik Acharya Indravarman. Various Hindu texts narrate her power. She is the Only Goddess who exposes her supernatural power for the wellbeing of devotees. She is one of the Goddess in 10 Great Goddess list which is also known as Dasa Maha Vidya. Kali, Tara, Bala Tripura Sundari,
Bhuvaneswari, Tripura Bhairavi, Chinnamasta, Bagalamukhi. Dhoomavati, Mathangi, Kamalathmika are the 10 great Goddesses in Shakta division. The Goddess Lalitha Tri pura Sundari who is sitting in the prime mount of Mahameru has ordered these Goddesses to offer various boons to humans based on their devotion. Pleasing these goddesses are not easy as many thinks. Tantrik should be highly ascetic to please these goddesses. Best tantrik in India Acharya Indravarman has secured triumph in Dasa Maha Vidya worship which has given favourable outcome and positive results for numerous clients. Particularly he has exhaustive blessings of Goddess Bagalamukhi Devi who is also known as Goddess of magic in Atharva Veda and Shakta Tradition. You can procure success in various aspects with the help of Best Tantrik Acharya Indravarman.
By worshipping Ashta Mukha Ganda Berunda one can attain powerful aura which can travel all the eight directions in earth. Ganda berunda is a popular God in south Indian tradition on ancient period. Asta Mukha Ganda berunda has Eight Faces. 1) Ganda berunda(two headed bird) 2). Lion face. 3) Monkey face 4). Horse face 5) Pig face 6). Tiger face 7) Bear Face. 8). Eagle face. In Shakta Tradition Instead of Tiger face and bear face Bull face and Elephant face will be placed. Asta Mukha Ganda berunda is the first and foremost powerful god in the fierce god list. It is believed that Asta Mukha Ganda berunda is powerful than Sarabeswara. Sarabeswara is believed to be powerful than God Narasimha. Through these texts you can understand the infinite power of Asta Mukha Ganda Berunda. Best Tantrik Acharya Indravarman is highly devoted towards God Asta Mukha Ganda Berunda. This devotion poles apart him from other tantriks.
World Famous Tantrik Acharya Indravarman has born in the lineage of ancient Hindu saint Angiras rishi. The discovery of Goddess Pratyangira Devi Beeja Mantra attributed to Angiras rishi. In Tantrik Worship Pratyangira Devi can be identified as Female version of God Narasimha. The Atharva Veda Praises Pratyangira Devi as Bhadra Kali. Pratyangira Devi holds the power to destroy any kind of negative energy. As per Shakta Tradition Tantrik Acharya Indravarman worships Various Female Goddesses Like Varahi Devi, Chamunda Devi, Jwalamukhi Devi, Kamakhya Devi, 64 Yoginis and 32 Yakshinis.
If you are searching for the best Tantrik in Bangalore, Karnataka, Kerala, Mumbai, Pune, Delhi, Kolkata, the USA, Canada, or anywhere across the globe, you can connect with Acharya Indravarman through WhatsApp or a phone call. With over 20 years of expertise, he meticulously designs personalized Tantrik rituals to help you manifest your desires. As a distinguished master of Shakta Tantra and Kaula Tantra—ancient Hindu traditions dating back 5,000 years—Acharya Indravarman empowers individuals to overcome challenges and achieve their life goals with profound spiritual wisdom.
No: 86, First Floor, North of Gayatripuram Stage One,
Land mark : Near to Govardhan Indian Oil Petrol Pump,
Mysore - Pincode: 570019
State : Bengaluru - Karnataka.
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