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Best Online astrologer in India Acharya Indravarman Elucidates about Planets authority and Jurisdiction Over Human Life and Culture


Scientists and astronauts are not certain about the metals and minerals. But Vedic astrology is free from doubt in several aspects. It attributes Silver to planet Venus, Copper to planet mars, Gold to planet Jupiter and Iron to planet Saturn. Not only metals Vedic astrology see a spider web between planets and all the materials in earth including incidents in human life. In this article Best Online astrologer in India Acharya Indravarman elucidates about nine Planet’s authority on earthly materials and nine planet’s dominion on human Life.

List of nine planets and their authority:

Planet Sun: Favourable Placements in Government Jobs, Father health and relationship with father, Earnings, Strength, Power, Masculine energy, Purity, Soul energy, Property and income through father, Political success, Relationship with Political Network, Gold ornaments, Speaking talent, Father blood line relatives, Fame, Forest, Pharmaceuticals manufacturing, Higher position in Judicial section, Spell, Spinning and Textile mills, Head, Teeth , Right Eye, Hair density in head, Heat variations in human body, Act of treatment in medical field, Serving to kings and leaders, Migraine Head ache, Fever, Alchemy and Alchemist, Day Time, Brightness, Village Life, Wheat, Pepper, Chemicals, Ruby, Profit from exports and imports, Chemicals, Building materials, Portfolio in Ministry.

Planet Moon: Mother, Mind, Perfumes, Face appearance, Wealth, Grains, Products related to water, Agriculture, Happy Mind, Music, literatures, Love, Mercy, Donation, Goddess blessings, Salt, Lime, White colour products, Milk, Curd, Butter, Ghee, Boat, Ship, Sea journey, Irrigation, Pulpy fruits, Decorative ornaments, Garments, Good sleeping, Steam machines, Cold disease, weak body, Imagination, Writing skills, acting skills, Left eye, Lodging business, Umbrella, advisory, Pearl

Planet Mars: Relationship with brothers, Adventures, wounds, Fire Injury, Real estate business, Gems business, Martial arts, Bricks chamber, Foundry, Restaurants, Mining, Electrical works, Sculptor, Blood, Enemy, Greed, Lust, Adultery, Drought, War, Expertise in weapons, Enmity, Power, Adamant, Agility, Sorcery art, copper, Red stones.

Planet Mercury: Education, arts, Story writing, Poetry writing, Astrology skills, Uncle and relationship with Uncle family (Male born with mother), Magazines and printed media, Diplomacy and Diplomats, Television channels, Stage Dramas, Painting, Musical instruments, Infertility, Philosophical knowledge, Friends, Mind intelligence, Traders, Trading business, Joint family, Humour, Skin, Friends, Sensibility.

Planet Jupiter: Kids, Wisdom, Health, Self-discipline, Yoga, Meditation, Teaching Career, Deeksha (blessing from a saint), Asta ma siddhi (8 great supernatural powers mentioned in Hindu purana), Social heights, Money, Charity, Rituals, Religious knowledge, Holy travels, Elephant, Vegetarian, Higher positions in king or government rule, Gold ornament business, Finance, Financial knowledge, Endowment department, Preacher, Honey, Peanuts, Brain, stomach, Muscles, Sweets, Knowledge in Sanskrit.

Planet Venus: Life partner, Vehicle, Luxury products, Mirror, Flowers, Music programme, Dance, New orientation, King lifestyle Entertainment, Movies, Emotion, Lustful nature, women products, Manufacturing of women products, Cool mind, Bed and mattress, Servants, Foreign languages, sexually transmitted disease, Diamond.

According to Best Online astrologer in India Acharya Indravarman when Planets Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus dominates positive aspects of human life Planets Saturn, Planet Rahu (moon’s ascending node), Planet Ketu (moon’s descending node) holds and controls negative aspects of human life and human culture.

Planet Saturn: Longevity, Slavery, Satanic influence, Theft, Hard working labours, Imprisonment, Arguments, Mental instability, cooking oil, Crude oil, Buffalo, Torn clothes, Drunkard, Drug addiction, Wandering life, Memory loss, Lazy ness, sleepless, Bad thoughts, Leg injury, handicap, Revenge, shivering nerves, nervous mind, Sufferings, frustrations, Gambling, sudden death, Blue sapphire, Black colour.

Planet Rahu: Madness, Death due to poison, Poverty, giddiness and fainting, Occult, Leprosy, Adultery, spoiling other life, illegal business, Fraud, Brain seizures, Magic tricks, Sudden Luck, Hiding, secret life.

Planet Ketu: Salvation, Wisdom, sorcery knowledge, asceticism, Medicine, Sins, Virtues, Relationship with saints, Alchemy.


Based on positive or negative placement in horoscope (Kundli) above aspects will increase or decrease in human life and human culture.

If you are experiencing more negative incidents in your life and if you need horoscope consultation with solution for your problems, you can contact Best Online astrologer in India Acharya Indravarman. He will provide horoscope consultation either directly or online.

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