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Best astrologer in Mysore Acharya Indravarman explicates about Most auspicious Stars in Vedic Astrology


Which stars are auspicious stars? Generally, many people have Question about this inside their mind. But up to now lucid answers not presented by any astrologers. Best Astrologer in Mysore Acharya Indravarman argues Stars attributed to Planet Venus are the most auspicious stars and he Vindicates his stand with detailed explanation in this article. Every star has its own uniqueness and speciality. But this article deals with specifically Most auspicious Stars.

Miracle stars of Planet Venus: 

According to Best Astrologer in Mysore Acharya Indravarman, where abouts of planets on your birth time will generate the rest of scenes in your life. You may get protection from destruction or you may be pushed into destruction without protection. Ad mentioned in previous articles you are hooked with the universe through a invisible cosmic umbilical cord. The most important position which going to determine your major part of life is Moon. In Vedic Astrology Planet position may bestow wealth to you or snatch Wealth from you. But the years will be decided by the order of Dasha period.

The Dasha period order will be decided the Moon’s star alignment. You can consider most auspicious star is stars attributed to Venus. To understand this, you have to understand the order of Dasha.

The order of stars is Ashwini (Belongs to Ketu), Bharani (belongs to Venus), Kritika (Belongs to sun), Rohini (belongs to moon), Mirugasirisha (belongs to Mars), Arudra (belongs to Rahu), Punarvashu (belongs to Jupiter), Pushyami (belongs to Saturn), Ayshlesa (belongs to Mercury)

So, if one person birth time is associated with Ketu Star the Dasha on birth time will begin with Ketu Dasha. Dasha order will be 

7 years for Ketu, 20 years for Venus, 6 years of Sun, 10 years of moon, 7 years of Mars, 18 years of Rahu, 16 years of Jupiter, 19 years of Saturn, 17 years of Mercury. Total years are 120 years. Maximum Survival possibility in human history is less than 120 years and records affirms that. 

According to Best Astrologer in Mysore Acharya Indravarman Saturn, Ketu Dasha period will create more negatives to any birth time. So, a kid who gets birth in Venus start no need to face this negative Dasha period in young age. Except these two planets if other planets holding malefic position also, they will do fewer negative things in their Dasha period.

Apart from this major point always Planet Venus is known as provider of Luxurious lifestyle and Vehicles. He assures money without a Hard work. If the moon star is associated with Venus means moon is cool and you will get good deeds in all the way.


According to Best astrologer in Mysore Acharya Indravarman if you have a Question about auspicious stars certainly, they are Venus stars, Barani, Purva Phalguni, Purvasada. Barani resides in Aries Zodiac sign, Purva Phalguni resides in Leo Zodiac sign and Purva Asada Resides in Sagittarius Zodiac sign. Planet Venus is known as Shukra in Vedic astrology.

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