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Love problem solution Astrologer Acharya Indravarman transpires solutions for Love Problems and Marriage problems


People who struck in the middle of forest fire know the Value and necessity of an immediate rain. Vedic astrology cheers people with divine support who squeezed by planets in relationship troubles. By considering surging number of relationship problems Love problem solution astrologer in India Acharya Indravarman reveals about various factors which spoils the relationship in Love. The relationship issues between opposite gender people are complicated. Commonly we know five types of relationship in opposite gender. Love, Marriage, adultery, Live-in relationship and Crush (????). According to me Live-in relationship issue also an act of adultery. But when two unmarried or divorced couples are living together, we are not able to criticize them or abandon them.  In this article we will discuss about Problems in Love relationship and solutions for the same.

Love problems and solutions:

Maturity in love relationship is you should not ignore or accept a person based in their physical outlook. Personality is not about facial look or skin colour. It is about how a person handles situation and fit into our life. Everyone has buried expectations of ocean in their deep mind. Expectation is not wrong. But having expectation about only physical appearance is damn wrong. Particularly after a dismay phase people are repeating same mistakes just like a cycle.

What a kid will expect from their parents?

All of you will say in chorus “Love”. But what is love?

expecting much attention and affection from one person and furnishing the same without any condition is Love. Kids are always expecting this.

If you are expecting much affection and attention from one person then you should be important to that person. So, when deciding a love or marriage relationship you should consider this as uppermost algorithm. When you are seeing one person fire and sparks happens in your muscle means it is lust. But if the same fire and sparks happening in your mind and you are unable to prevent shedding tears means its love. When that person is not near by you, you should feel a vacuum in your life. Remember after marriage if you are feeling a vacuum in absence of your husband it is Love. In case if you are feeling a vacuum in absence of another person then it is adultery. This adultery got few modesty synonyms like crush or girl bestie or boy bestie. Boundaries of freedom transcends here.

Love problem solution astrologer Acharya Indravarman Says, always select a person in love relationship or for marriage relationship by evaluating how much they care about you. Right synonym for Love is care. One person care about everything in your life. In case of arranged marriage the partner’s family, growth and behaviour everything should be evaluated. I am able to see many arranged marriages are successful than love marriage. Just because of they are parented and brought up well. After selecting a person in the mid of relationship failures and breakups shutdown the contacts. When many says ego is the primary reason for relationship failure, my experience says ego holds only 20 percentage of failures. Suspicion nature holds 30 percentage of failures and realizing about a wrong selection holds rest 50 percentage of failures.

What is ego?

Misunderstandings and communication ceasing are common in life. In such a situation without a self-evaluation or without worrying about another partner mind he or she will adamant about their decision’s righteousness. He or she won’t speak first. He or she won’t say a simple sorry. The temporary ceasing talk will become a permanent termination of communication, which we call as breakup. This 20-percentage people have to realize just because of egoistic nature they should not loose a peaceful life.  

Now coming to 30-percentage people who scatter their relationship because of suspicion nature. Despite my astrologer profession, I have always tuned into youngsters’ society and network to understand about their desire, efforts, goals, and relationship. In this obsessive study I had realized Suspicion is great stimuli than ego in breaking relationships. Love failure is such a disaster which can torment personal life. When one person is feeling like he had born to mourn for life long, growth won’t emerge in their life at any cause or cost. Why moral suspicion rises in their mind? If someone asks me this question I will say because it is just mind. Any person will conclude a promise by touching their own heart. Is mind residing in brain or heart? Certainly, mind resides in brain. But why they are touching their chest to prove their stand. According to Love problem solution astrologer Acharya Indravarman, they are witnessing and learning it for generations. Mind can imagine. But learning in mind happens through study, experience, incidents in society, gathered information through various article and finally analysis for fool proof. That’s why nobody believes me when I am saying “I had seen a white crow”. But when someone rises about suspicion on their partner character or when one gets suspicion about their partner morale behaviour always mind starts fool proof process. But this is not acceptable to another partner. Everyone wants their partner has to trust them blindly and this suspicion will act like a stimuli to create impetuous anger. We have to realize human are just an animal and human body has witnessed evolution not mind or society. Frequent suspicion fight assures, the person who rises suspicion frequently has psychological disease or one partner is really indulging in adultery. We can’t save these marriages. But when suspicion rises once or twice in marriage life discussions are essential to solve the dispute. Many loves and Marriage life are hugging breakup on the first suspicion fight itself. In my opinion these disputes can be and should be solved through talks.

These 50 percentages of couples last word might be “It won’t work between us”. For these people my strong recommendation in Love and marriage is “you can ignore a proposal. But you can’t ignore a relationship. You should evaluate everything before you give a commitment. It may be about your parents, cast or religion, character, financial background or physical appearance. According to Love problem solution astrologer Acharya Indravarman You can ignore a proposal by evaluating above factors. But never you can’t ignore a relationship once you committed. When you identify a mismatch, you should fix it or accept it. Because you know it already.   


Whether it is day or night, life in desert will be very harder. Similarly, your life may get scattered when a relationship fails. Snow will disappear after sunrise, if a solution rises in your mind problems in Love will disappear. Still, you feel Your Love problem needs a spiritual solution You Can contact Love problem solution astrologer Acharya Indravarman. He is skilled in Vedic astrology and Tantrik rituals.

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