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Famous Astrologer in India Acharya Indravarman states about Value and authority of First quarter in Zodiac Wheel


In Vedic astrology Lagna will be considered as first Zodiac house. Each and every Zodiac house has fundamental authority on multiple divisions of human life. In this page Famous Astrologer in India Acharya Indravarman states about Validation and importance of First quarter of Zodiac wheel which consists Zodiac houses one, two and three.

First Zodiac House:

As per Famous astrologer in India Acharya Indravarman, the fitness of body is existing in first zodiac house. If first zodiac house Planet is on good position and first Zodiac house has not impaired any malefic planets the total physical fitness of body will be good. In contrary if first zodiac house planet stays in bad position and if first zodiac house affected by malefic planets the ascendant physical fitness has to witness a damage and chance for getting Physical challenge is more. Happiness and its antonym anxiety both will be determined by first zodiac house. Discipline and its antonym waywardness, agility and its antonym laziness should be judged by evaluating first zodiac house. Salvation from complicated disease and mental health can be find out from first Zodiac house.

Second Zodiac House:

As per Famous Astrologer in India Acharya Indravarman belief in religious texts is related to second zodiac house. Caring about third persons, Honey toasted speech, ability of having more gold is linked second zodiac house. The truth and its antonym lie, the poverty and its antonym rich are can be decided through Second Zodiac house. Influence and empower in power centres, Modesty, eye power are coupled with second zodiac house. Donor and its antonym niggard, modesty and its antonym arrogance, buying property or selling property are concomitant to Second Zodiac house. Education interest in school is associated to this house.

Third Zodiac house:

As per Famous Astrologer in India Acharya Indravarman, third zodiac house is last house in the First quarter of Zodiac wheel. A person courage to do adventure or its antonym Cowardness are tied with third zodiac house. Ancestral property partition, short trips, good relationship with siblings are knotted with third Zodiac house.


As per Famous astrologer in India Acharya Indravarman, the foundation of one person life and may incidents in life before puberty are related to first quarter in zodiac wheel. Happy life in the young age will be impacted by the plus & minus in First quarter of Zodiac wheel.

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