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Best Vedic Astrologer in India Acharya Indravarman narrates about 10 dos and don’ts for Successful Marriage Life


If both partner inner mind thinks they got a partner higher than they deserve, then it is most successful marriage life in earth, Says one of the Best Vedic Astrologer in India Acharya Indravarman. True love doesn’t think about rights, it always thinks what they can do for their partner. It should be in double end. Marriage is a magnet where same pole attracts each other, he further added. His words are mind blowing, but reality in society is monotonous. Most of the marriages are staggering to survive. In my 15-year experience majority of people has consulted me for relationship issues only. Everyone repeats God should have written their marriage chapter better. This affirms their expectations are failed. Everyone omits to think their partner might have that same thought and feeling.

Let we see about few ordinances which will help for everlasting and delightful marriage life. There are few dos and don’ts for this. Before reading those things remember as “humans are just animals” and our brain is just an organic computer. It required a good operating system. I have tried my best here. This will help to newly married couple to maintain an everlasting marriage life and definitely this article will provide solutions for marriage problems which are already exists, Says Best Vedic Astrologer in India Acharya Indravarman.

Ten dos:

1. Do Smile:
Have you ever wondered why are we watching more kids’ video in YouTube. They keep smiles without a reason. Human brain like smiles. Smile when your partner stares you. Particularly your eyes should watch your partner eyes when your lip twinkles. Say two magic spells after smiling. First spell is “sorry” and second spell should be “I Love you”. Your husband or wife will like this. But always you don’t expect sorry from them. If they say sorry, make it clear to them you are convinced. So, sorry is not necessary & “I love you” spell is enough. Good partners won’t expect sorry.

2. Do Praise:
When praising your life partner, behave like mother. Mothers will applaud their children well. They will give frequent compliments. They celebrate grandly for small success of their children. Their words are always honeyed and candid. Praise your partner’s dressing nature. Praise your partner’s cooking. Praise your partner’s smile. In good relationship reasons are not required to praise or smile. Definitely, this will impress your husband or wife.

3. Do comfort:
When they are in stress due to struggle in office or financial Vulnerability, just comfort them. Comb their hair with your fingers. Because of stress if they annoyed you by words, don’t get irritated. Try to repeat or sit silently. Being silent is better than console. Say two magic spells. First one is “this will change” and second one should be “Let us Pray to God”. Having faith in God will give shoulder for your entire journey.

4. Do Forgive:
If your partner has done any mistake just forgive them. Express Your displeasure on repeated mistakes, but forgive them. Forgiving them make your heart and mind as soft which will prevent worst situations. As I said above humans are animals. They make mistakes commonly and widely without intentional. Don’t think they are doing every mistake with intentional.

5. Do Honour
Your partner may have good attachment with their parents or siblings. Their hefty travail on your partner young age may be reason or your partner has grown in a good society where he learned respecting parent and siblings are his duty. So, give enough honour to your partner’s parent and siblings. Treat them like your parent and siblings. In my knowledge insulting in laws are major reason behind many divorce cases.

6. Do Sex
Awareness about sex in marriage is low on Indian society. Sexual awareness is not about discussing it everywhere. It is about Knowledge. What is a sexual Knowledge? Simply it is better to have two successful and satisfied intercourse per month compare to having unsatisfied intercourse every day. For further knowledge don’t hesitate to talk with a doctor in sexology. Also Read Vatsayana Kamasutra book one time. The ancient Indian philosopher has not written that book to earn money through royalty. He simply written it to create deeper knowledge about sex. Don’t Judge your partner or tease him if it has failed once. Even sex need practice. Think about improvements.

7. Do Share
Daily before bed, speak 15 minutes with your partner about the incidents on day time. In office or house if there are any important things has happened share it with your partner. Sharing daily activities will give prosperous to mutual trust.

8. Do Relish
Enjoy your partner appearance. In god’s creation everything is beautiful only. The practice of relishing partner face visually, will be key ingredient for successful marriage life. Every partner observes this behaviour from their profound mind. Obviously, many thinks this is a scale to evaluate love.

9. Do Discussion
Discuss with your partner before taking any decisions. Marriage is a relationship where love is more important than Self-respect. Many people think discussion or asking permission affects their self-respect. You can expect self-respect even from your parents not from Life partner. Marriage is associated with loving each other unconditionally. So, self-respect should not be an condition and it cannot ruin your relationship.

10. Do write
A written communication always has a positive rhythm. When misunderstanding or unwanted situation has happened if you are not able to communicate your thoughts orally, then write a letter. You can give your explanation on letter with sorry and assurance about avoiding it in future. I had suggested few couples to maintain open diary. Husband and wife both should maintain a diary. What will be usefulness in having personal diary? Husband can read wife diary and wife can read husband diary. The things which they are not able to convey in words can be put sentences in diary. This will reduce misunderstandings and it will create strong bond.
After 10 do’s list for healthy and happy marriage life, further in this article Best Vedic Astrologer in India Acharya Indravarman describes about 10 don’t list in marriage life.

Ten don’ts:

1. Don’t Lie:
Never don’t lie to your partner. One identified lie will scatter trust up to life time. It is better to face the repercussions by saying the truth.

2. Don’t Hide:
You have to hide only two things from your partner. It is your Love affair or sexual affair before the marriage. Having sex before marriage is morally wrong. But in modern days some mistakes are happening. Revealing truth about this will add always a bitter taste in life. Except this “two” don’t hide anything from your life partner. Many persons think hiding something from partner is good than telling a lie. Marriage life is an open book. You cannot hide.

3. Don’t draw lines:
The Biggest challenge on modern day marriage life is. Few couples draw lines that each one should not have access to other person mobile. Initially both will agree and later on misunderstanding will get sprouted. But shocking truth is they are not drawing these lines to office colleague or friends.

4. Don’t Have Crush:
Intense infatuation towards third person is known as crush relationship. The world changes rapidly and our survival is important according to that. We are obtaining a job or doing a business for our survival only. Generally working hours greater than our active life hours in home. Because of this many people getting attached more with colleagues than life partner. Having friends in working environment is not wrong. But giving more important to those friends than your life partner is wrong. These crush relationships are crushing many marriages. Remember we are working and earning to live an amazing life with our life partner and kids.

5. Don’t be treacherous:
Having sexual thoughts about life partner is not wrong. But the technology world brings lot of videos, stories, articles which is triggering your mind sexually on unnecessary time. The Movies, television programme and OTT also feeds lust to people. This is triggering your mind more than necessary and which may push adultery thoughts in your mind. Be aware what you are watching and what you are hearing. If wife’s friend or husband’s friend or some other person has hit your mind with sexual intention don’t hesitate to share it with your life partner. This is a healthy practice. Also don’t be generous in forgiving people who hit you with sexual intention. Disconnect their relationship. Sexual discipline has upper most weightage in good marriage relationship.

6. Don’t be revengeful:
Eye for an eye this behaviour surges more in marriage relationship also. Don’t do anything for revenge if your partner has done any mistakes. Express your dissatisfactory and ask for an explanation. Then ask for an assurance that they won’t repeat it in future. This is fair dinkum.

7. Don’t Insult:
Plus, and minus are travelling with us from our birth. They may in physical appearance or in behavioural nature or work ability. You can request them to correct it without insulting them. Marriage gives rights to insult but which should not be utilized ever.

8. Don’t allow third person:
Couple means there is only two. If you both have any misunderstandings or if there are any disputes arises in-between both of you then try to solve it on your own. Never don’t allow third person to mediate. I had mentioned open diary method above, which will be helpful to solve marriage disputes.

9. Don’t be hurry:
After conveying your displeasure, If you are expecting character change or behavioural change from your partner then wait with patience. Don’t be hurry. People cannot change or modify their mind like machines. They need time.

10. Don’t be Ignorance:
Try to know about your partner’s like in food, Dress and cultural activities. You should know about your partner medical history. Showing ignorance in gaining information will create cleavage in marriage relationship. Caring about their expectation without ignorance will escalate good relationship in marriage.

If you are not yet married, try to follow above suggestions for your goodness. If you are already married and you are looking solutions for your marriage problems begin your life newly with above guidance. You can forward this article to your partner also. If you feel practicing above ordinance won’t help you and if you are expecting Spiritual help to solve your marriage life problems You can contact Best Vedic Astrologer in India Acharya Indravarman. He runs Bagalamukhi Devi Jyotish Kendra in Mysore. For past 15 years he has provided excellent predictions and great solutions for people with relationship problems. His sapience in Vedic astrology is immeasurable. His shrewdness in Tantra Sastra is ginormous.

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